-Experience: 2+ years in a similar field -Educational Qualification: Graduate Job Description: -Prepare Payroll & OT. -Manage Employee person...
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Overall in charge of all the necessary work in setting-up a new business unit and running the branch.
- Leasing of light equipment, increasing the number of customers and leasing sales. - Collecting rental fees periodically. - Assist the manager i...
• Bachelor of Science (BS), Information Systems (IS), Computer Science or equivalent. • Development and deliver SAP standard as well as custom Fi...
Construction Project Manager
Required Accountant And PHP Model Developer
Looking For A Manpower Supplier For MEP Works
Enhances the organization’s human resources by planning, implementing, and evaluating employee relat...
A General Manager to start-up, maintain, and grow Colonial Chemical’s new Saudi Arabia-based manufac...